What a great start to the Month of March, Irish Heritage Month, as so proclaimed by our Governor of Virginia!!! This is OUR month, and we should do what we can to foster a positive perception of us Irish Men. This email is an invitation to you personally to take part in any or all of the activities this specific Month of March has to offer. Before I go on, I want to thank all of my AOH Brothers who participated in the Old Town Alexandria St. Patrick’s Day parade last Saturday. Unlike the previous year, it was sunny and warm and DRY, and a relatively short parade route. Jay McCarthy and I held the banner and were able to inspire thousands of parade watchers with our “Happy St. Patrick’s MONTH” chants!!
By the way, if you are wondering where to find information about activities or the latest info on meetings, go to our refurbished website. It is all there and a big Thank-you to Jay McCarthy for making it available and easy to find.
Here is a line-up of several activities this month holds:
March 8 – The Historic District of Manassas St. Pat’s Parade
Meet at the Manassas Sports Pub at 8:00am, Form up at 9:30am
Parade starts at 11:00am, we are in Division B
March 10 – Gaelic Mass in Old Town Alexandria
March 12 – Our monthly meeting at St. Theresa School. We have two potential
candidates for admittance and we will have some special treats
to share.
March 15 -17 is the kickoff for selling our raffle tickets for a Trip for 2 to Ireland.
Our focus will concentrate on Finnigan’s Pub and and the Ashburn Pub
Note: We will discuss our strategies for ticket selling on 12 March
March 16 (Sunday) – We are going to meet at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church to attend
the 8:45am Mass together. This is a Corporate Communion Mass and after
Mass we can go over to Finnigans Pub for Breakfast. This is one of our
Spiritual Endeavors to pray together with our families. Your whole family
is invited to attend.
If you can only attend one event this month, please make an effort to
attend this mass.
March 17 – St. Patrick’s Feast Day – Our ongoing effort to sell Trip for Two (T4T) raffle
For your long range planning, don’t forget that on April 2, is the Virginia March for Life in Richmond.
Questions or comments, other things to announce, give me a call, a text, or an email.
571 236-7980