Division Corporate Communion

Sunday, March 19th - Cunningham Corporate Communion @ St. Theresa 10 am Mass followed by brunch at Finnegan's Pub

Officer’s Meeting

Wednesday, April 5th - Monthly Officer's meeting at McCarthy Pub @ 7 pm

Division Meeting

Wednesday, April 12th - Division Business meeting at St. Theresa school @ 7:30 pm

Virginia AOH Golf Convention

Please plan to participate in the AOH Virginia State golf outing on Thursday, July 13th, 2023 in Alexandria.  Details to be provided shortly.

Virginia AOH Convention

The Bi-annual Virginia AOH State Convention will take place on July 14-16th, 2023 in Alexandria.  Details to be provided very soon.

1/2 to Saint Patrick’s Day

Thursday, October 19th - "1/2 Way to St. Patrick's" Trip for 2 to Ireland raffle night (details to follow)

Sweats for Vets wrapping for distribution

VFW Post 1177 - Leesburg 401 Old Waterford Rd NW, Leesburg, VA, United States

Annual wrapping of the Sweats will take place the day after Christmas.  "All hands on deck" as we prepare all of the donations for delivery...

2025 National March for Life

The National Mall Washington, D.C.

Good morning Brothers.  I wish to share with you a monthly Pro-Life newsletter that is published by the AOH.  You are welcome to share with...