We had a very successful S4F Sorting & Wrapping Party on the 26th of December at the VFW. Approximately 80 volunteers prepared over 600 sets and over 1500 pairs of socks for our Veterans. A most heart-felt and sincerely thank-you to the Ancient Order of Hibernians, The Knights of Columbus, The Boy Scouts, The Cub Scouts, and of course the VFW Post 1177 for their gracious use of their facility. I apologize if I inadvertently left out an organization,
But we are not finished until we distribute sweat-outfits to our Veterans at a ceremony on January 18 at VA Medical Center (VAMC), 510 Butler Ave., Martinsburg, WV 25405. To accomplish this we need your help. We intend to distribute 500 sets on the 18th with the remaining sets being given to the DC VA Medical Center and to Walter Reed National Medical Center.
On January 18th we will need volunteers to load and transport the S4Vs. Transportation is critical as we will need trucks and SUVs; if you have a covered truck or SUV that would be preferred as weather is always uncertain. Additionally we will need the help of the 20-30 volunteers to set-up sweat-sets for distribution to our Veterans once we arrive at the VAMC. A funeral for a member of VFW Post 1177 is also on January 18th so it is very important that a lot of volunteers show up as many of our VFW regulars will be attending the service.
The following is the January 18 timeline:
0900: Volunteers meet at the VFW Post 1177, 401 Old Waterford Rd NE, Leesburg, VA 20176 and load approximately 500 sweats into numerous vehicles.
0930: The S4Fs Caravan departs VFW Post 1177 Leesburg traveling as a group to the VAMC.
1030: S4F Group arrives at the Martinsburg VAMC; sweats will be offloaded along the curb in front of the main medical center building. VAMC will have approximately 10 – 15 volunteers to assist.
1030 -1130: Sweats are offloaded and set up in the Shenandoah Room for distribution.
1130: Ceremony begins with Presentation of Colors by the Knights of Columbus Color Guard with opening remarks by the Director of VAMC Martinsburg, Mr. Ken Allensworth. Various donation checks will be presented to VAMC by Jay McCarthy, Ancient Order of Hibernians.
11:45: S4Vs will be distributed in the Shenandoah Room; ambulatory-veterans will come down from their rooms and select their sweats in the conference room; volunteers will deliver sweats to the units for veterans unable to come to the conference room.
1400: Ceremony and distribution concluded and extra sweats are boxed.
Don’t hesitate to call, text, or email me or Jay McCarthy if you have any questions. Pray for good weather.
Dan – 571-425-3420 dangillespie@yahoo.com
Jay – 703-477-5934 vigor2@aol.com